We have recently moved office locations. Our new office and warehouse is now located at:7 Redland Drive,
Mitcham VIC 3132


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Maintenance, Repairs & Upgrades
“Maintaining your synthetic bowling green improves it consistency of playing quality, and ensures increased life.”
Alan Berry OAM - Company Founder
Berry Bowling Systems provides maintenance guidelines and approved maintenance equipment to all customers on installation of surfaces. At the time of supply of the maintenance equipment, BBS train as many potential users as possible.
BBS is available at all times during the life of your bowling green to provide advice and guidance to all customers. Our service does not stop on installation, nor at the end of the warranty period.
Synthetic bowling green surfaces are like anything else in life, they need care and attention to keep them in a prime fit condition, and to extend and maintain the performance of the surface.
Many organisations build and forget, believing their new synthetic surface will look after itself. This is a fallacy. All Synthetic Surface need to be cared for. BBS provide a comprehensive maintenance book and its personnel meet with club maintenance teams.
Repairs & Upgrades
Is your bowling green performing to expectations? We can help you analyse the issues.
Does your Synthetic bowling green require any repairs or upgrades?
Berry Bowling Systems undertakes upgrades and repairs to all types of synthetic lawn bowling green surfaces.
Bowling greens needing synthetic grass to the banks and ditches. BBS can supply and install synthetic grass to enhance your bowling green. Or BBS can simply supply, and the club install to reduce costs.
Whether your synthetic surface is old or new; in need of a special repair, or a maintenance visit, BBS is available to assist.
Berry Bowling Systems are available to inspect and make recommendations for maintenance or repairs of your Synthetic Lawn Bowling Green.
- Algaecide
- Grooming / Brushing
- Ditches upgrades
- Banks upgrade
- Surrounds installation / replacement
- Assessment of maintenance equipment
Call (03) 9873 0101 or email